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How To Sequence A Yoga Class for a For Beginner

Thousands of individuals get certified to show yoga day after day. the nice news is, even if the market is saturated in some areas, we tend to all interiorize, interpret and ultimately deliver what we’ve learned otherwise.

Therefore, no 2 yoga categories you’ll take can ever be constant.

As yoga instructors, we tend to are perpetually challenged with bobbing up with new sequences and content to a square go into the jam-packed landscape. this will be exhausting. It takes continual observe, patience, and refinement week over week.

To create a yoga sequence is to form a piece of art. It’s not simply accomplished on a whim. The approach you're taking is crucial to the success of your category. choosing every part with thoughtful and conscious thought could be an excellent place to begin. Sharing this masterpiece is one in every of the best gifts of teaching… it's the power to alter people’s lives!

But even with this unbelievable chance, come back to the distinctive challenges of sequencing. 

The purpose of this text is to coach you on the way to showing intelligence sequence a yoga category. this text is directed towards yoga sequences for academics, however, yoga students searching for inspiration in their home observe also will profit. 

I will show you my tried and tested the formula on the way to sequence a yoga category. I’ll give posture and transition examples, and you may learn additional concepts to layer on high of a linear sequence. You’ll walk off able to simply integrate what you’ve learned into your own category dead a secure and effective manner.


Are you ready to dive in? Good. Me too.

General tips for sequencing yoga categories

The Basics area unit The Bomb

Don’t make it. Beginner and seasoned practitioners alike will have the benefit of returning to the muse of the apply. If you’re a more modern teacher, simply concentrate on a beginner yoga category sequence. 

Practice Your Sequence

This ensures that what you're delivering to your students is conveyancing what you wish them to expertise physically and mentally. it'll conjointly provide you with a lot of confidence in teaching.

Assess Your Students

Do you have a concept of the kind of student attending your class? i.e. elderly, athletes, ill addicts, etc.? Knowing this info will facilitate guide what direction to require your sequence. 

Practice together with your playlist

If you teach with music, make sure to possess your music on whereas active. delicate cues within the music can assist you to apprehend if you wish to hurry up, slow down, or simply savor the instant. I like to recommend learning a way to produce the proper yoga playlist, it’s a robust thanks to impacting your students.

Consider an issue

High-level themes for your categories will facilitate guide your sequence. Unit 25+ theme ideas to guide your next category.

Alright, let’s get into it…

How to produce a Yoga Sequence

If you’re curious a way to build a yoga sequence, here’s my go-to technique. Most yoga sequences area unit linear, that means one posture follows another in a very consecutive manner. Linear categories area unit schooled in a very logical approach beginning with less difficult, moving to {more difficult|tougher|more difficult} and returning to less challenging before savasana.

When I sequence, I generally begin with a linear formula and layer on from there. this can be only 1 thanks to sequence a yoga category. I’ll walk you thru this manner nowadays.

My Anatomy Of A Yoga category

The sections in my basic vinyasa yoga sequence are:

  • Grounding (5-10 minutes)
  • Warm Up/Integration (10-15 minutes)
  • Sun/Moon Salutations (15 minutes)
  • Standing/Balancing Postures (20 minutes)
  • Seated/Supine Postures (10-15 minutes) 
  • Savasana (10+ minutes)

Grounding (5-10 minutes)

This is wherever we tend to drop into the follow and begin category. Some folks decision this a yoga category gap sequence. primarily, your goal is to make an area to ask in the presence and acute awareness of breath and body. Some instructors guide a brief meditation or breath work.

Recommended Grounding Postures:

  • Child’s create (Extended, Traditional)
  • Seated create (Sukasana, Hero’s Pose)
  • Supine create (Savasana, Reclined sure Angle)

Warm Up/Integration (10-15 minutes)

After obtaining grounded on our mats, it’s necessary to physically heat up our body for additional vigorous postures to come back.

Recommended integration postures:

  • Cat/Cow Variations
  • Gentle Core Work (Swimmers, changed facet plank)
  • Seated Lateral Bends
  • Seated light Twists
  • Thread the Needle

Sun/Moon Salutations (15 minutes)

Introduce sun or moon salutations and link every movement with breath.

Sun Salutations area unit the foremost common thanks to beginning a yoga follow as a result of they're heating and stimulating. This posture combination stretches and strengthens all major muscle teams.

Moon Salutations area unit cooling and quieting. opt for Moon Salutations if you’re leading a slower flow.

Recommended Sun/Moon Salutation Postures:

  • Mountain create (Tadasana)
  • Forward Fold
  • Vinyasa (if you’re leading a vinyasa flow sequence)
  • Downdog

Standing & Balancing Postures (20 minutes)

Once you complete salutations, your students area unit able to air their feet occupancy a additional active approach. now's a good time to come back up with series that embody warriors, lunges and alternative standing postures. combine in leveling postures into the flow, or leave them separate.

Recommended Standing/Balancing Postures:

  • Warrior 1, 2, 3
  • Crescent Lunge
  • Wide-Legged Forward Fold
  • Tree Pose
  • Eagle Pose

Seated Yoga Sequence / Supine (10-15 minutes)

Time to start to slow the body goes into reverse. Since the body is superheated, hold deeper stretches and pay longer in every posture. These postures can begin to cool down the body down, getting ready for savasana.

Recommended sitting Postures:

  • Seated Spinal Twist
  • ½ columbiform bird create
  • Seated Forward Fold
  • Bridge/Wheel create
  • Supine Twists
  • Happy Baby
  • Supta Badha Konasana/Reclined certain Angle create

Savasana (10 minutes or more)

Final resting posture. you'll provide to ask back in their intention for the category or browse a quote associated with your theme. Otherwise, silence is golden to permit area for his or her own expertise.

Example forms of categories & Yoga Sequence concepts

Choose one or all of those things to use as you're employed through making a yoga sequence. AN intelligent category isn't merely a sequence of yoga asanas, think about breathwork, themes, dharma, etc.

This is not AN complete list, however rather one to induce you impressed. If you teach a vinyasa vogue category, simply apprehend there area unit endless yoga flow sequence ideas… starting from an influence vinyasa to a slow flow vinyasa yoga sequence.

Breathwork (Pranayama)

Pranayama, or breath work, is that the foundation of any yoga apply. beginning category with a brief respiratory exercise can enable your students to cultivate awareness and presence in their body and mind.

You can prompt your students throughout the complete category to come back to their breath. This supplemental layer of pranayama can assist them with being an additional gift.

Lion’s Breath, Alternate anterior naris respiratory, Sama Vritti, Kapalabhati, and Ujjayi area unit just a few of the varieties of pranayama you'll be able to embody at any purpose throughout your sequence. I relish adding Lion’s Breath throughout Star create, and Kapalabhati throughout Hero’s create.

Beginner yoga sequence for academics

Just because you relish sophisticated yoga sequences in your personal apply doesn’t mean you must conceive to teach this manner. Most students relish and like additional simple sequences wherever they will specialize in the current moment rather than attempting to stay up.

A beginners yoga category sequence would possibly embody fewer postures perennial additional often. Build the sequence in an exceedingly method that lets your student intuitively move from one position to future.

If you’re trying to find concepts, most larger yoga studios have beginner yoga sequences that seldom modification. Take some beginner categories around the city for inspiration.

Pro tip: a yoga sequence for beginners (with choices to modify) permits the teacher to focus additional on the area their holding, giving Hindu deity, and adjusting students.


Before you build a sequence and choose postures, opt for a topic. choose one theme to center your category around. this could be a quote, a word, a region of the body, etc. think about your theme the last word masterpiece of your sequencing design. this can facilitate produce a general focus for your category. each posture and transition ought to embody the theme in how.

How you deliver the theme is as necessary because the theme itself. even as in position apply, deliver your message with balance and integrity. It may be simple to do it, therefore make {certain|make sure|take care} to select certain places throughout the sequence to drop nuggets of your themed knowledge. i like to recommend at the terribly least, three times: starting, middle, and end.

By having a transparent and straightforward theme, each you and your students are going to be ready to apply with purpose and intention.

Select AN Apex create or Set of Postures

Most yoga categories have AN apex create or a peak posture that the category builds upon from the start. to try and do this safely, make sure you opt for postures throughout integration that heat up and strengthen the body in preparation for the apex create. The apex create is that the most difficult posture of the category.

If you don’t wish to pick out one apex create to figure towards, another plan is selecting postures that open up a selected a part of the body. i.e.: hips, shoulders, hamstrings, heart.

Tip: Integrate your theme into the postures. for instance, if you’re theming your category around self-love, the natural action of postures would come with heart openers.

Energizing or reposeful category Sequence?

Each yoga posture will elicit completely different energetic effects in your students. area unit you teaching an influence vinyasa category or a slow flow yoga sequence?

As a general rule, moving the spine forward (think backbends) or inverting, area unit usually additional stimulating. Flexing the spine towards forwarding bending (think folds and hip flexion) area unit additional reposeful. Whereas twisting may be considering equalization.

If you’re going for a soothing category, add a extended sitting yoga sequence.

Lastly, even dynamic the order of postures in an exceeding category can deliver a unique impact on your students. Take this into thought as you teach targeted categories for college students with varied injuries or mental and emotional states.

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